Egress is a application which can display your favorite RSS feeds directly on your PocketPC. Features
* Lifetime upgrades * Support for Windows Mobile 5 softkeys - NEW in 3.1.0 * Improved UI including hold for seek to unread items - NEW in 3.0 * Supports Windows Mobile 5 - NEW in 2.4.1 * Supports RSS (.09, .91, .92 and 2.0), RDF (1.0), and ATOM (0.3) * Supports landscape orientation using PocketPC 2003SE * Integrates with Today * Filter items by time - NEW in 3.0 * Support for Bloglines and NewsGator synchronized channels - NEW in 2.3 * Caches and displays inline images * Add new channel wizard * Can cache web pages for later display using ANY browser - NEW in 3.0 * Integrated HTML browser for cached web pages - NEW in 2.1 * Can download enclosures (Podcasting support) * Automatic playlist generation for audio podcasts - NEW in 2.2 * Configurable item sort * Background download of feeds * Supports HTTP proxies * Configurable item retention (configurable by channel) * Configurable enclosure retention (configurable by channel - NEW in 2.2) * Configurable fonts and colors * Supports alternate web browsers