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Picture Collage Maker Pro 4 隨身版-簡單多變照片拼貼圖 (RAR@108MB@多空@多語繁中)

作者: LILI 日期: 2016-4-6 22:51 閱讀: 1069打印 收藏
【檔案名稱】:Picture Collage Maker Pro 4.0.0 隨身版

看膩了一張一張的照片顯示方式,希望能換個口味、做些變化嗎?如果你偶爾會在 Facebook 或別人的部落格中看到一些似乎經過排版過的照片拼貼圖,若你也希望能弄幾張跟他們一樣的圖來秀一下該怎麼做呢?

網絡上其實有相當多免費又實用的工具可以幫我們拼貼照片或做些簡單的排版工作,譬如說之前介紹過很特別的 Collage It、Photo Collage Max 等軟件或類似 Photovisi之類的線上工具等。

剛剛又看到一個操作相當簡單的簡易型照片排版工具 Picture Collage Maker Pro,可以快速幫我們將一堆照片排成相當好看的組合,如果想拿來當做網絡相簿的封面或生活照的縮圖簡介什麼的,Picture Collage Maker 會是個相當容易上手的實用工具。

Picture Collage Maker是一款圖像處理軟件,可以對圖像進行剪切、旋轉、添加陰影、過濾、添加邊框等多種處理,對喜愛的圖像進行藝術化編輯。一款可以用來管理照片圖 片,製作像冊並作為桌布和幻燈片來播放的工具軟件。一款可以用來管理照片圖片,製作像冊並作為桌布和幻燈片來播放的工具軟件。

Picture Collage Maker, a simple-to-use Windows program that turns ordinary photos and pictures into stunning keepsakes to share with family and friends. With just a few clicks, you can create collages, scrapbooks, posters, invitations, calendars, and greeting cards. Unlike photography software that takes days to master, Picture Collage Maker lets both seasoned collagers and new hobbyists become productive in minutes.

Whether you're a mom who wants to create photo collages to share with the family, a business person who wants to create professional calendars that customers will use every day, or a student who wants a way to present homework that will impress your teachers, Picture Collage Maker lets you transform your special pictures into precious memories.
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