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Slide2Unlock 已出了 v2

作者: wen 日期: 2007-10-17 19:07 閱讀: 920打印 收藏
Slide2Unlock 已出了 v2

Slide2Unlock 已出了 v2 ( 用 RAM 更少,更快 )

S2U2 v0.52 (14-10-2007) by A_C
S2U2 is a simple lock/unlock application which has the iPhone style slide unlocking. It can be used as a screensaver while you don't use your device.


- WM5 or 6 devices
- free RAM: ~ 1M for QVGA; ~ 3M for VGA

v0.52 (14-10-2007)
- ShowAppointment also shows "all day event" (but only the 1st one)
- reworked the "Flight Mode / No Service" detection
- fixed the WGA display defect in Landscape mode
- fixed Autostart to work with soft-key power off
- some bugs fixed

v0.5 (11-10-2007)
- added Landscape orientation (the wallpaper file is wallpaperL.bmp under GFX folder)
- added auto power saving as S2U (i.e. the shimmer will stop after idle for a while)
- added an icon for S2U2
- added Unread XXX notifications & ShowTask option
- added options ShowAppointment & AppointmentTimeFormat
(read the Configuration section below for the details)
- no more AC_XXX.bmp temp files
- all texts are VGA aware
- some graphic improvements on VGA mode
- fixed the problem with other Alarm software

v0.3 (29-9-2007)
- added option DpadOn
- fixed some devices that cannot slide the arrow button
- increased the arrow button's sensitivity a little
- super fast loading time of S2U2

v0.2 (25-9-2007)
- support square & VGA devices (native high resolution wallpaper is also supported)

- rewrite the whole application in C++
- trim down the memory usage to around 1M
- support QVGA devices only
- support Portrait & Landscape mode
- back to basic version (no Caller ID; no unread xxx notifications & others)

- If you have Slide2Unlock installed, please uninstall it first & then soft-reset.

- After installation, there are 2 shortcuts created under \Program Files\S2U2:
iLock2.lnk - start/stop ilock2.exe (on the 1st run, it runs silently in the background; on the 2nd run, it closes iLock2 & S2U2)
S2U2.lnk - manually start S2U2 (be sure iLock2 is running in the background, otherwise the Battery status will not be updated)

- A shortcut for iLock2.exe is created automatically under "\Windows\StartUp" as well.

- Installation on Storage Card is not supported (for the sake of stability).

Configuration: (in the Registry under \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\A_C\S2U2. Please remember to RESTART iLock2 after any registry settings changed, otherwise it won't work):
- The Date & Time format can be customized by changing the keys DateFormat & TimeFormat:
d         Day of month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit days.
dd         Day of month as digits with leading zero for single-digit days.
ddd         Day of week as a three-letter abbreviation.
dddd         Day of week as its full name.
M         Month as digits with no leading zero for single-digit months.
MM         Month as digits with leading zero for single-digit months.
MMM         Month as a three-letter abbreviation.
MMMM         Month as its full name.
y         Year as last two digits, but with no leading zero for years less than 10.
yy         Year as last two digits, but with leading zero for years less than 10.
yyyy         Year represented by full four or five digits, depending on the calendar used. Thai Buddhist and Korean calendars both have five digit years. The "yyyy" pattern will show five digits for these two calendars, and four digits for all other supported calendars.  
yyyyy         Identical to "yyyy".  

For example, to get the date displays "Wed, Aug 31 94"
set DateFormat to ddd',' MMM dd yy

h         Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock.
hh         Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 12-hour clock.
H         Hours with no leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock.
HH         Hours with leading zero for single-digit hours; 24-hour clock.
m         Minutes with no leading zero for single-digit minutes.
mm         Minutes with leading zero for single-digit minutes.
s         Seconds with no leading zero for single-digit seconds.
ss         Seconds with leading zero for single-digit seconds.
t         One character time marker string, such as A or P.
tt         Multicharacter time marker string, such as AM or PM.

For example, to get the time displays "11:29:40 PM"
set TimeFormat to hh':'mm':'ss tt

- If you want to "auto start" S2U2 when the device is woke up, set:
        Autostart to 1 (0 to disable)

- To turn off the LCD by S2U2, you may specify:
        OffLCD to n (after n seconds idle, the screen will be off; minimum is 5 seconds; 0 to disable)

- When the OffLCD is enabled, you may specify whether the device is suspended or remain active but with LCD turned off:
        BlankScreen set to 0 or 1 (0 to suspend the device; 1 to turn off the LCD only)

- For devices with the capability to turn off the backlight, you may set S2U2 to start automatically when the device's backlight is turned off by:
        IdleStart set to 1 (0 to disable)

- Similar to IdleStart, ACIdleStart has the same function when the device is charging:
        ACIdleStart set to 1 (0 to disable)

- Similar to OffLCD, ACOffLCD has the same function when the device is charging:
        ACOffLCD to n (after n seconds idle, the screen will be off; minimum is 5 seconds; 0 to disable)

- Similar to BlankScreen, ACBlankScreen has the same function when the device is charging:
        ACBlankScreen set to 0 to suspend the device; or 1 to turn off the LCD only

- If you want to install S2U2 to other folders or the storage card, please update the key:
        S2U2Path to "the new full path"

- To turn off the LCD during a phone talk, set the key:
        BlankOnTalk to 1 (0 to disable)

- To enable D-Pad input, set the key:
        DpadOn to 1 (0 to disable)

- To show the Appointment information shown at Today's screen, set the key:
        ShowAppointment to 1 (0 to disable)

- To change the format of Appointment's time, change the key:
        AppointmentTimeFormat (use the same syntax as TimeFormat)

- Not to display the total no. of "Active Task", set:
        ShowTask to 0 (1 to enable)

Only use the following 2 settings if your device have any abnormal behaviour:
- When NoPowerSuspend is set to 1, the OffLCD & ACOffLCD will be disabled. It'll untouch the Power Management and leave it back to the OS.

- When SafeMode is set to 1, iLock2 will not enter the "Unattended mode" (this is a special mode for the background jobs to run but without turning the LCD on). The device may need to soft-reset for SafeMode to be enabled.

- The default values are added on the first run of iLock2:
        DateFormat=dddd', 'd MMMM
        S2U2Path="\Program Files\S2U2"

Command Switch of iLock2:
iLock2.exe accepts the following command switches:
-slide to start/invoke S2U2
-nomsg to not to show any message even it closes itself & S2U2
-refresh to close S2U2 & reload the registry settings

Known limitations & FAQs:
- How to change wallpaper? Create a jpg file with resolution the same as your device (QVGA is 240 x 320; VGA is 480 x 640); rename it to "wallpaper.jpg"; copy it to the gfx folder (default is \program files\s2u2\gfx\); restart iLock2. And the file "wallpaperL.jpg" is for the Landscape mode.

- How to edit the registry? You need 3rd party software like "Task Manager" & "Total Commander". Try to google them & they are very user friendly apps.

- After changing the registry settings, iLock2/S2U2 do not behave as instructed?? Pls RESTART iLock2 after any registry settings is made.

- If "Password/Pin Lock" or "Owner Information" are enabled to display at wake up, S2U2 may cause the screen flicker. Pls disable these functions.

- My device's special Keys are not blocked by S2U2?! (e.g. HTC Touch) This is a device specific problem that cannot be resolved.

- NOT Compatible devices: SX66, Xda IIs (Blue Angel)

Trouble shooting:
If you find your device is hang with a blank screen or no response with any key or screen-touch, you may not need to reset it. Please follow these steps if your device has a camera button:
- press the camera button to invoke the built-in camera program
- press the end call button to go back to Today screen
- use Task Manager (a third party freeware; highly recommended) to close the S2U2.EXE

Special Thanks:
- Forum fellows at xda-developers (http://forum.xda-developers.com). Thank you for your testings, comments, supports & patience.

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