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GetRight Professional 6.0c + SN [sendspace]

作者: wen 日期: 2006-9-22 00:25 閱讀: 1107打印 收藏

【軟體名稱】:GetRight Professional 6.0c + SN
【檔案大小】:4.98 MB

GetRight 是一個可幫助您從 Internet 下載檔案的程式。大多數的人都曾經遇過這些麻煩...當您想要下載一個檔案,但是您的數據機卻斷線了、或是被話中插接打斷、或是您的電腦當機,或是任何其他的問題。然後您就必須重新開始下載,並且浪費掉您剛剛所花費的時間。
GetRight 可以利用斷點續傳的功能來解決這些問題。如果您在遇到上述的問題前已經下載了檔案的一部分,GetRight 會從您中斷的地方開始繼續下載檔案其餘的部分,而不需要在全部重新下載整個檔案。這個功能讓您下載檔案的動作變的容易且快速許多。GetRight 擁有許多其他更進階的功能來幫助您下載檔案--從斷線時自動重播數據機到完成下載後自動關閉您的電腦 。

Changes in GetRight 6.0c:
- Changed some things to fix the 469 error that a few people get.
- Fix starting from Firefox/Opera if GetRight wasn't running.
- Change some default directory things, for new installs and if still the C:\Downloads default. So Picture types will default to MyPictures, music to MyMusic, etc.
- Changed the graph's look, can right click to select from several colors.
- Added some checks to make sure the save-to folder wasn't too long for Windows.
- Added so GetRight Browser gets a default folder if opened for a Server Synchronizer or Podcast item.
- Fix downloading an updated translation file.
- Had mixed up height & width one place for remembering the window sizes.
- Added so %MON% sorts of variables will work for any of the Save To config items. So could use one default folder of C:\Downloads\%MONTH%-%YYYY%\ to get ...\August-2006\
- Fixed so SaveAs will cleanup temp files better, and not connect as much for looking for redirects.
- Added a message if CyberPatrol seems to be causing problems (blocking all access!)
- Disabled the gzip encoding...seems to cause some files to be corrupted
- Fixed a few more Torrent things. Another cause of slowly losing peers.
- Fix so drag-drop files to GR Browser to upload will start them if you click Now.
- Added so ServerSync items in the Download Status tree have a GetRight Browser menu to open them in the browser.
- Fix so \\server\share\path sorts of folders are remembered correctly.
- Fixed a couple script commands (automatic and set speed limit).
- Added a Podcast config page (and a button from the Podcast Downloader window to open it).
- Changed how the Tip window appears when adding a download, so will re-use if one was showing.
- Little toolbar change, a different Config button.

[此帖子已經被作者於2006/9/22 00:28:15編輯過]

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