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Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 11.5

作者: wen 日期: 2011-6-15 12:58 閱讀: 1144打印 收藏
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 11.5 Build 5344 (LS6) MultilingualAdobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 11.5 Build 5344 (LS6) Multilingual | 421.82 MB

AdobeR DreamweaverR CS5.5 is the industry-leading web authoring and editing software that provides both visual and code-level capabilities for creating standards-based websites and designs for the desktop, smartphones, tablets, and other devices.

• An industry-leading tool
Build world-class websites with one of the industry's leading web authoring tools. Manipulate pixel-level designs or craft complex code. Work the way you work best in the real-world environment of Live View.
• Cross-product integration
Leverage the intelligent integration and power of AdobeR DreamweaverR CS5 and other Adobe tools, including Adobe FlashR CS5 Professional, FireworksR CS5, PhotoshopR CS5, and Device Central CS5 software, through direct communication and interaction across the product line.
• Comprehensive CSS support
Style your sites with the enhanced CSS implementation tools in Dreamweaver CS5. Define and modify CSS rules instantly in the Properties panel. Use the Related Files and Code Navigator features to find specific CSS rules.
• Integrated coding
Tap the power of built-in code hints for faster and cleaner coding in HTML; javascript; Ajax frameworks such as Spry, jQuery, and Prototype; and several server languages.
• Support for leading technologies
Design and code in a tool that supports most of the leading web development technologies, including HTML, XHTML, CSS, XML, javascript, Ajax, PHP, Adobe ColdFusionR software, and ASP.
• FLV support
Integrate FLV files into any web page with point-and-click ease and standards-compliant coding. Design with your FLV movies playing in the new Live View.
• Learning resources
Master web building with the comprehensive in-product tutorials in Dreamweaver CS5. Keep current with the latest web technologies through the community-driven help system.
• Extended Dreamweaver community
Reap the benefits of the extensive Dreamweaver community, including the online Adobe Design Center and Adobe Developer Connection, training and seminars, developer certification programs, and user forums.
• Cross-platform support
Work the way you want to work: Dreamweaver CS5 is available for IntelR or PowerPCR based Macs as well as MicrosoftR WindowsR XP and Windows VistaR systems. Design in your preferred system, and deliver across platforms.
• Advanced javascript functionality
Put the extended coding functionality of Dreamweaver CS5 to work by incorporating popular javascript frameworks, including jQuery, Prototype, and Spry. Simply attach the appropriate javascript external files, and Dreamweaver automatically displays code hints.

• Live View
Design your web pages under real-world browser conditions with the new Live View in AdobeR DreamweaverR CS5 — while still retaining direct access to the code. Changes to the code are instantly reflected in the rendered display.
• Code hinting for Ajax and javascript frameworks
Write javascript more efficiently with improved support for javascript core objects and primitive data types. Put the extended coding functionality of Dreamweaver CS5 to work by incorporating popular javascript frameworks, including jQuery, Prototype, and Spry.
• Related Files and Code Navigator
Click any included file shown in the Related Files bar to see both its source in Code view and the parent page in Design view. The new Code Navigator feature shows you the CSS source code that affects your current selection and allows you to access it quickly.
• Adobe InContext Editing (Free preview)
Design your pages in Dreamweaver so end users can edit their web pages without help from you or additional software using the Adobe InContext Editing online service. As a Dreamweaver designer, you can limit changes to specific pages, distinct regions, and even custom formatting options.
• CSS best practices
Implement CSS best practices without writing code. Create new CSS rules in the Properties panel, and get clear, simple explanations of where each property fits in the cascade of styles.
• New user interface
Work faster and smarter across Adobe Creative SuiteR 4 components with a shared user interface design. Toggle quickly from one work environment to the next with the workspace switcher.
• HTML data sets
Integrate the power of dynamic data into your web pages without the learning curve of mastering databases or XML coding. Spry Data Sets recognize content in a simple HTML table as an interactive data source.
• Adobe Photoshop Smart Objects
Insert any Adobe PhotoshopR PSD document in Dreamweaver to create an image Smart Object tightly linked to the source file. Make changes to the source image, and update your image in Dreamweaver without opening Photoshop.
• Subversion integration
Update your site and check in modifications directly from within Dreamweaver. Dreamweaver CS4 integrates with SubversionR software, an open source versioning control system, for a more robust check-in/check-out experience.
• Adobe AIR authoring support
Create HTML and javascript based Adobe AIR™ applications directly within Dreamweaver. Preview AIR applications without leaving Dreamweaver. Get your Adobe AIR application ready to deploy with AIR packaging and code-signing features.
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 LS3的新功能簡介1.Simplified site setup(更簡單的網站定義)之前Dreamweaver要定義網站,往往要切換好幾個項目,才可以完成網站的定義,現在新版本的Dreamweaver把一些設定整合起來,讓定義網站變得更方便,如果不需要設定網站上傳或伺服器技術,只要輸入好網站名稱和存放資料夾就可以了2.更多的CSS範本網頁在網頁設計範本中,有更多利用CSS+DIV排版的頁面範本提供大家使用3.Live View & Live Code(即時檢視)Live View功能可以輔助我們預覽利用伺服器語法所開發的網頁,亦或是輸入網址後蜮蜷蜞蝕,蜷蜞蝕蜵在Dreamweaver就可以觀賞到其他網站內的網頁和原始碼,而Live Code可以讓我們看到目前游標處的HTML程式碼與CSS或Javascript,馬老師在課堂上常常跟同學說,跟網頁學網頁設計最快,利用以上的功能,我們就可以去觀摩一些網頁設計師的作品,進而應用在自己的網頁上,當然這可以說是Live View & Live Code的附加價值吧?4.Site-specific code hints(程式碼提示)在前一個版本無論我們在Dreamweaver內開發ASP或PHP的程式的時候,如果突然有指令忘記了,或是只記得一些片段,我們可能只能去拜訪Google,然後查詢到我們想要的指令,而新版本的Dreamweaver有更多程式碼提示的功能,只要我們在指令後端按下Ctrl+H之後,Dreamweaver就會跳出程式碼提示,另外我們只要啟動Site-specific code hints功能,程式碼提示會自動跳出在本網站內自訂的函數和變數的名稱供我們挑選5.CSS Inspection(CSS檢查模式)當我們啟用CSS Inspection模式之後,我們只需要用滑鼠滑過頁面上的排版區塊,Dreamweaver會利用不同顏色來標示我們設定的CSS樣式,如果看到A區塊和B區塊的顏色不同,而我們又想要做到相同效果的時候,那就表示我們CSS的設定可能有誤,必須要調整6.CSS Enable/Disable(CSS的開啟與關閉)在我們設定CSS樣式套用後,如果想要取消該樣式中某一項的設定,例如:在一個文字上套用了粗體、斜體、紅色、20px...等,若我們想暫時關閉一個樣式,例如暫時關閉斜體,來看看顯示出來的感覺,在之前我們必須刪除這項設定,等到後悔了再來復原(CSS的復原必須在CSS檔內處理),比較不方便,新版的Dreamweaver提供了暫時關閉的功能,類似apdiv的顯示和隱藏,方便我們開啟或暫時關閉該樣式時使用7.Integration with Adobe  BrowserLab(利用Adobe BrowserLab預覽網頁)現在網頁設計師的電腦中,通常會安裝多套的瀏覽器方便預覽設計的網頁在各瀏覽器下的結果,不過現在你可以只透過Adobe  BrowserLab來瀏覽你的網頁,因為在平台上已經內嵌了很多瀏覽器,例如:Firefox 2.0、Firefox 3.0、Chrome 3.0、IE6、IE7、IE8、Safari 3.0、Safari 4.0,相信日後還會陸續增加,這樣我們的網頁就可以很輕鬆的在以上的瀏覽器內驗證結果,甚至還可以利用不同的瀏覽器設定切換成分割畫面或鬼影模式來檢視網頁,另外這個功能如果Dreamweaver CS4的使用者想要馬上嚐試看看

OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7