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Ycopy 1.0e beta 3

作者: wen 日期: 2006-9-29 23:10 閱讀: 679打印 收藏

【軟體名稱】: Ycopy 1.0e beta 3                                                                                          
【檔案類型】: zip                                                   
【檔案大小】: 183.07kb                                                                  
【軟體語言】: 英文        
【官方网页】: http://www.ruahine.com/                                          

有冇試過當你需要複製一大堆檔案時行開一下, 回來看到中途一個檔案由於正在使用中. 一方面浪費時間, 另一方面你也未必知道可以從那裡再開始.

這個ycopy便幫到你. 介面非常簡單. 選"source folder" 及 "destination folder", 按 "start copy" 即刻開始複製. 如果一些檔案不能複製 (使用中 或 無權開啟), 軟體自動幫你skip左那個檔案並記錄下來 (在下面那個框框). 以後 copy 大堆檔案便可放心行開下 "have a cup of coffee"

1.0e beta 3 更新:
- I've extended the folder copy rules syntax to include "R" rules.  Basically a folder copy rule that starts with an "R" means don't copy any files in folders matching this rule but do allow sub-folders of this folder to be copied.  "D" rules in contrast, if they match stop the entire folder and any sub-folders from being copied.

You can use an "R" rule to enable you to copy a specific sub-folder of a folder but not the rest of that folder.
For example to copy the only the folder D:\Program Files\Test but not all the other files and folders within D:\Program Files
use the following folder copy rules.

C^D:\\Program Files\\Test\\$
R^D:\\Program Files\\

You couldn't do this before because Ycopy would decide not to copy the entire D:\Program Files folder before it ever reached the folder D:\Program Files\Test.

- Fixed the combo-box lists so they don't add duplicate entries.
- Added a config setting (on by default) to play a sound on copy completion.
- Added a new command line setting ycopy /ini ini_file.ini.  This setting lets you tell Ycopy to use a different ini file when reading it's config settings on startup.  By default ycopy saves settings to a file called ycopy.ini when you press the "Save All Settings" button under options.  You can make a copy of this file with a different name e.g. ini_file.ini and then make use of those settings when running Ycopy from the command line usinf the /ini switch.  This makes it easy to use different defaults for different copy operations.


1.0e beta 2 更新:
- fixed some non unicode strings which I somehow hadn't spotted before.
- fixed incorrect reporting of file copy statistics when using the file copy rules
- made ycopy try to select initial path when browsing for folders
- added pre-flighting of source folder before a copy operation which should result in detection of low disk space conditions before the copy has completed and a progress bar which actually gives you an idea as to the copies overall progress.
- added new "delete" functionality which works just like a regular ycopy only it deletes the source folder and files specified.
- added new "move" feature which combines the copy and delete functions into a single move command.  Ycopy first performs the entire copy and if all goes well it then deletes the source folder.  If some files couldn't be copied it asks the user if they still want to delete the original source folder or not. Note: Because this performs the entire copy operation before deleting anything if the source and destination folders are on the same drive you'll need enough free space to hold an extra copy of the files in the source folder during the move.

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